
Strategies to Up-Cycle Plastics with the Help of Stabilizers

19. Oktober 2023 von 10:20 bis 11:00 Uhr
Raum BerlinFORUM
Frau Dr. Margot Clauss , Rianlon GmbH, Düsseldorf
Produktgruppe: Additive
Government imposed recycling targets for plastics require more material to be recycled than is demanded in simple (thick section & dark pigmented) down-cycling applications. Short term the target can only be met via mechanical recycling.
Mechanical recycling of plastic to the same use level (true recycling) or to a more sophisticated level (up-cycling) is only possible if the properties of the plastic have not yet deteriorated during its initial use. Stabilizers (such as antioxidants & light stabilizer) from Rianlon play a key role in upgrading the quality of recycled plastics.