29. September 2021

Exclusively for the 27th Fakuma – U.S. Plastics Market Update

Fakuma Internationale Fachmesse für Kunststoffverarbeitung csm FAKUMA 2021 US Kunststoffmarkt Foto Perc Pineda 2fedaae188 uai

This report provides an update of the U.S. plastics market since the coronavirus pandemic that resulted in the COVID-19 recession in the U.S. This report was prepared exclusively for the 27th Fakuma International trade fair for plastics processing in conjunction with the release of the Plastics Industry Association (PLASTICS) annual flagship publication – Global Trends – which can be accessed here.Companies interested in a thorough analysis of U.S. plastics trade—from resin, plastics products, machinery, molds for plastics, to other products with plastic content—will find the Global Trends report indispensable. For those who want to crack the U.S. plastics market, the report and its accompanying dataset provide U.S. plastics imports by the 10-digit Harmonized Tariff Schedlue codes.

Download of the U.S. Plastics Market Update
Fakuma Internationale Fachmesse für Kunststoffverarbeitung csm FAKUMA 2021 US Kunststoffmarkt Global Trends d9c388b38d