Trade fair highlight 20. September 2023

Performance increase and quality improvement

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Machine status classification
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Part classification
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What information are you missing to achieve performance improvement and quality improvement in your production?

The optimization potential is fully exploited with the manual classification of downtimes and bad parts. With the downtime classification, you know why your plant is at a standstill. You can freely configure various reasons for downtime, such as missing material, personnel, handling and/or tool errors.

Why does this still have to be done manually by entering it in a bug tracking chart?

Manual bad part classification is of high importance in plastic injection molding if this is not possible in an automated way. With the entry via a dialog box in our MES PiInject solution, the electronic filing takes place and thus the bad part reasons become traceable. The shift and order assignment is done automatically!.

With our MES platform and continuous monitoring of your production process, transparency becomes a reality.

Visit us and experience our MES PiSolutions with the extensive scope of services!