Product novelty 27. July 2023

Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence

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Altair RapidMiner Enables Frictionless AI for Everyone
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The value in data is not simply having it, it’s in how you use it. Manufacturers who embrace and make use of their data will streamline operations and find new ways to effectively compete. Manufacturers who don’t will not just leave profits on the table–they will also fall short of customer expectations. But harnessing data is full of friction points today with enterprise teams working in silos, the volume of data getting bigger, and a shortage of talent within the business to make sense of it.

Altair RapidMiner delivers Frictionless AI by accelerating projects through the full data science lifecycle, from concept to production, modernizing established environments like SAS & Python, and catering to enterprise needs with desktop and cloud offerings.

With data analytics & AI, smarter, quicker, and more efficient decisions can be made with use cases like predictive maintenance, quality assurance, supply chain, risk analysis, and more. Altair RapidMiner has the blueprint for manufacturers to make their operations more efficient, agile, and profitable- from transforming product development and inventory management to demand forecasting and price optimization.

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