4. June 2024

Let’s go! Fakuma Career Friday for pupils, students and career starters


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The team of the Fakuma trade fair, one of the most internationally renowned events for plastics processing with a special focus on injection molding, is pleased to announce its latest initiative project “Mold your dreams, mold your future”. In cooperation with the trade fair advisory boards, the organizer Schall Messen cordially invites you to the Career Friday on 18 October 2024 as part of the 29th Fakuma.

On this day of the fair, young talents will have a unique, huge opportunity to discover the diverse career opportunities in the dynamic, creative plastics industry. Under the inspiring motto “Mold your dreams, mold your future”, international exhibitors will be offering fascinating insights into the world of plastics processing, product development and innovative technologies at their stands. They show a variety of ways to actively and attractively shape your professional future!

The plastics industry is known for its innovations and technological advances. With a clear focus on the circular economy, it opens up exciting opportunities to actively contribute to sustainability and help shape the future.

The Career Friday enables participants to make direct contact with leading companies, get to know potential employers and find out about current trends and developments in the industry. The young talents can put their questions directly to the experts, trainees and students of the participating industry players and thus get a comprehensive picture of the career prospects in the plastics industry.

Event flyer “Career Friday at Fakuma” for download:

Tip: This link on the Fakuma website lists the exhibitor activities for Career Friday with stand numbers:
Fakuma Internationale Fachmesse für Kunststoffverarbeitung guided tour plastics europe NL en

Can you imagine that? Products should function in such a way that there is hardly any useless waste, but lots of useful raw materials – materials as “nutrients” in closed cycles, so to speak?
This is what companies are working on – and you can help shape these processes in the future.
Sounds exciting?
Then join your school class on the PlasticsEurope guided tours, which have been specially designed for you by a super-nice team: “From granulate to product and back again – experience the circular economy up close”.

All information and registration here!

Meeting point is the Career Friday booth FW-03

The Zeppelin sightseeing flight raffle will also take place here at 2.30 pm.

Fakuma Internationale Fachmesse für Kunststoffverarbeitung Fakuma Hallenuebersicht Karrierefreitag NL

Flying high!
With the plastics industry & the Zeppelin


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Flying high with the plastics industry – both on the job and in a beautiful zeppelin. Pupils, students or young professionals who come to the Fakuma Career Friday on October 18 can win one of two vouchers for a 60-minute zeppelin flight for 2 people!

Let’s fly high – with #Fakuma2024 and the #CareerFriday!

Follow the focus page “Career Friday @ Fakuma Messe” on LinkedIn, the Fakuma stories with the Career Friday highlight and the Career.Friday page on TikTok for exclusive insights, career tips, networking opportunities and exciting news from exhibitors on the topic.
Stay up to date and don’t miss any important updates!